Exhibition Leeuwarden CACIB (NL) 12.04.1993

Jehaj Rolf

Catalog No: 1
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Excellent dog, excellent size, bone and head. Beautiful neck, schoulders and chest. Strong topline. Rather long in loin. Moves with ease and a true gait. Correct tail-carriage. Excellent coat and presentation.

Queenslands Amazing Boy Tovaritsj

Catalog No: 2
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: An empressive dog with excellent head and expression, good bone. Correct ribs and strong topline. Would like a better turn of stifle, but he moves with ease an true gait. Excellent coat.

Olivier B. Dommel van het Jenahof

Catalog No: 3
Rating: V3
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Beautiful outline and the best of heads. Very good bone, ribs, neck and shoulder, topline and quarters. Lovely feet, lovely coat. Moves with a true gait, but very close in hoeks. Bite a little bit dicy.


Catalog No: 4
Rating: V4
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Pleasing out-line with lovely head cuid expression. Good neck and shoulders. Excellent turn of stifle. Good ribs. Strong topline but a little tucked-up. Excellent coat and tail. Very sound mover. Not quite correct bite.

Igor of the Coastguard

Catalog No: 5
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: A very sound dog, masculin with a good expression, though a little too prononced stop, good neck and shoulder. Strong topline, well set tail. Would like strenger angulation in hocks, but he moves well. Good coat.

Niadh van de Knijpsbrug

Catalog No: 6
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Attractive dog, masculin with lovely head, excellent bone cuid feet. Strong topline, rather long in loin and a little tucked-up. Moves soundly with very good tail-carriage and excellent poise.

Dandy van de Marshoeve

Catalog No: 7
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Good size and type. Good head. Strong bone, but rather weak in pastern and feet and he is toeing out. Good neck and shoulder and quarters. Strong back. Rather long in loin. Good turn of stifle. Rather close in hocks and very loose in elbows in movement. Good coat.

Zeus van de Marshoeve

Catalog No: 8
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Excellent type, masculin head, rather pronounced stop, excellent bone and feet. Good neck and shoulder. Strong topline, strong quarters, a little close in hoeks. Otherwise correct movement and tail-carriage.

Guinness Grizzly fan ´t. Hen-Riek Hüs

Catalog No: 9
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Nice type, good head, but I would like a deeper muzzle, good neck and shoulders. Excellent bone and feet. Moves rather close in hocks. Good coat.

Knud van de Knijpsbrug

Catalog No: 10
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Excellent type with good head, strong bone, strong quarters with good turn of stifle. Good spring of ribs. A shade long in loin and I would like a strenger top-line. Moves a little close in hocks, otherwise correctly with good tail-carriage. Lovely coat and colour.

Amoradas One Way Ticket

Catalog No: 11
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: 18 months, masculin with a very good frame, but still has to body up and settle in movement and top-line. Good head but a little throaty, excellent bone and feet. Good neck and shoulders. Excellent turn of stifle. Good coat texture, but not in full bloom and I would like a longer tail with better feathering.

Amadeus Jip from Madivas

Catalog No: 12
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Masculin dog, good head, good bone and feet. Very short neck and upright shoulder. Good ribs. Strong topline. Well-set tail. A bit close in hoeks and toeing-in. Not quite correct bite. Excellent coat.

Fameck vom Burgseeli

Catalog No: 13
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: A good size dog with masculin head and good bone, but he needs to body up, and develop a much better coat. Excellent neck and ribs. Strong quarters, well-set tail. Could have a better turn of stifle.


Catalog No: 14
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Excellent type and conformation. Expression affected by rather light eyes. Excellent bone and feet. Strong topline, strong quarters with well-bent stifles. Good coat, beautiful colour. Moves very close in hoeks and very proud tail-carriage.

Admiraal Fons Berenbont

Catalog No: 15
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Very impressive outline and very beautiful head. Excellent neck, shoulders, ribs, bone and feet. Strong quarters, lovely coat. Very close i n hoeks and not so flattering tail - carriage. And he still has to learn ring-manners. Excellent coat.

Gabber van Jantoine

Catalog No: 16
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Good size, but rather long in legs auid 1 would like more bone and better angulation for balance. Good head, very strong topline and quarters. Good tailset. Moves very close behind. Good coat.

Awomabas Imarre Ivar

Catalog No: 17
Rating: gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Quite good size and strong bone. Good head and expression. Good neck and shoulder. Strong quarters, but I would like better angulation and more muscles in thighs. Rather close in hoeks and not a flattering tailcarriage. Quite good coat texture, but far too much white on feet and legs.

Queenslands Charming Ranger

Catalog No: 18
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Anwartschaft: CAC-R
Written critics: Promising young dog. Excellent size and confirmation. Well angulated with strong quarters. Good bone and feet. I would like a little more widte of muzzle. Moves well. Excellent coat for age.

Amaretto della Casa del Orso

Catalog No: 19
Rating: V2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Promising young dog, with good head, strong bone. Excellent outline. Beautiful feet, lovely head. Moves well. Needs to body up and today not in his best coat.

Black Bears Avenues Amazing Boy

Catalog No: 20
Rating: SG3
Class: Jugend
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Masculin, good size. Quite good head. Good depth of body but needs to settle front and back. Good neck, good topline. Very close and weak in hocks, and must thighten in elbows.

Anak of the Dark Blossom

Catalog No: 21
Rating: SG4
Class: Jugend
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Rather high on legs and narrow of ribs for the right proportions. Quite good head, but a little long in muzzle. Good bone and feet. Well-set tail. Moves soundly. Good coat.

Mötönallen Markus

Catalog No: 22
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Anwartschaft: CAC, CACIB, BOB
Written critics: Excellent type. Excellent head. Well angulated. Strong quarters and neat well-bent hoeks. Beautiful top-line, lovely coat and tail. A shade long in loin. Moves well.

Django van de Oude Kazerne

Catalog No: 23
Rating: V2
Class: Champion
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Anwartschaft: CACIB-R
Written critics: A lovely type, excellent head, strong bone and feet. Strong topline. Would like a little more angulation in stifle and upper-arm. Moves with ease, excellent coat.

New-Fuur-Lands Block Buster

Catalog No: 24
Rating: V3
Class: Champion
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Strong powerful dog. Very good head, beautiful top-line. Excellent conformation. Well-bent stifles. Good bone, beautiful feet. Moves well. Lovely coat.

Yasser van het Turfveld

Catalog No: 25
Rating: V4
Class: Champion
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Excellent type, good head. Good neck and shoulder. Very compact. Would like a little more strength of topline. Moves with ease. The best of coat.

Black Wonders Ejnar Ejegod

Catalog No: 26
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Champion
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Excellent type with good head. Beautiful neck and shoulders. Strong bone. Could have tighter feet, good top-line, strong quarters, excellent turn of stifle. Rather close in hoeks and toeing in. And he is a little proud of his tail. Excellent coat.


Catalog No: 27
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: A very promising 19 months bitch, lovely head and outline, but she must body-up. Beautiful bone and feet. A shade long in loin, lovely coat. A natural mover.

Empress-Elseline van de Vikingbank

Catalog No: 28
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: A pleasing type, very good head, a little long in loin but otherwise balanced with good neck, good bone and strong quarters. Moves well, good coat.

Little Dippers Ebony Sea Saga

Catalog No: 29
Rating: V3
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Very good outline and beautiful head, but I would like more depth. Good bone and feet. Moves very well. Good coat.

Hope And Glory van Fyns Hoved

Catalog No: 30
Rating: V4
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: A nice type with a very good head, but carrrying too much weight which affects outline and movement. Good bone, strong topline, not in her best coat. Moves well behind, toeing in.

Bessie van het Pannenhuijs

Catalog No: 31
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Good size, feminin good head and expression. Very good eye, good bone and confirmation. I would like a stronger topline and harder coattexture. Moves well.

Lotus van de Knijpsbrug

Catalog No: 32
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Good size, very good head. I would like more neck and a better angulation in hindquarters. Excellent bone and feet, topline and coat. Moves in a true gait. Quite short tail. Good coat.

OAK Cottage Gesa

Catalog No: 33
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Not a big one, but quite balanced with good bone and good head. Stand four-square, good topline, moves well, good coat and tail.

Abbygail van de Mosa Flu

Catalog No: 34
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Good size, good head, very good neck and topline, good turn of stifle. Could move more efficiently, not in her best coat.

Bonita van de Goudkust

Catalog No: 35
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Right a pleasing type with good expression but I like a better proportioned head. Well angulated front and back with strong topline and stands four-square. Good boné and feet. Moves quite well, but toeing-in rather too much. Good coat.

Oak Cottage Carmen

Catalog No: 36
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Excellent type, well proportioned with good head, excellent topline. Strong quarters, bone and feet. Moves with ease, though a little close behind. Good coat and tail.

Naomi van de Knijpsbrug

Catalog No: 37
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Good outline and lovely head. Good neck and shoulder. Good bone and feet. Quite good topline. I would like a better turn of stifle and more efficient high movement. Good tailset, good coat.

Dodo vom Wilseder Berg

Catalog No: 38
Rating: Vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Very compact of type and I would like more neck. A little pronounced stop, otherwise well proportioned head, good bone and feet, good spring of ribs, rather wide chest. Well-bent stifles. Moves quite well. Very short tail, which could be carried in a more flattering way.

Liberty Elisabeth van de Goudkust

Catalog No: 39
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: A little fine head, and narrow i n muzzle. Good bone and feet. I would like more neck and a better turn of stifle. Good ribs, contact body. Talling away over her croupe, also when moving and very close in hocks.

Lotte van het Hoogveen

Catalog No: 40
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Good size, lovely head, good topline, rather long in loin. Good bone and feet. Moves very close behind. Good coat-texture, rather obvious white. I would like a little more width of chest.

Britta van Tiroca

Catalog No: 41
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Very compact type and also carrying too much weight which spoils the outline. Good head. Would like more angulataion front and back. Very strong bone for size. Well-set tail. Moves with ease but rather close in hocks. Good coat.


Catalog No: 42
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Feminin good size, but rather long in loin and I would like a better spring of ribs. Strong back but overbuilt topline, good bone and feet. Good coat. Moves very close in hocks.

Gipsy Queen fan ´t. Hen-Riek Hüs

Catalog No: 43
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Sweet expression, good size, good bone, strong back, falling away over the croupe and rather straight stifles with narrow hind-movement. Good coat.


Catalog No: 44
Rating: gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Good size. Rather fine in muzzle. Too short neck and upright shoulders and I would like more bone and tighter feet. Good spring of ribs. Overbuilt topline. Moves very close behind and she will pace. Good coat.

Gaby van Jantoine

Catalog No: 45
Rating: gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Good size, but needs more bone and better angulation front and back, which also effects movement. Good expression, strong topline, good spring of ribs, good coat.

Black Bears Avenues Angel

Catalog No: 46
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Pleasing young bitch, nice head, well balanced. Good bone and feet, good topline, strong quarters, moves soundly. Carries too much weight.

Black Bears Avenues April

Catalog No: 47
Rating: V2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Just a baby, with many good points. Excellent head, well balanced, moves well with good topline and tail. Good coat.

Black Bears Avenues Anouk

Catalog No: 48
Rating: SG3
Class: Jugend
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Written critics: Quite a big bitch which like more bone and rather less weight for balance. Rather pronounced stop and ears a little high set. Would like more neck and better angulation upperarm and stifles. Good chest. Quite good coat.

Cannon Bears Cotton Top

Catalog No: 49
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Anwartschaft: CAC, CACIB
Written critics: A very excellent bitch. Good head, excellent topline. Good ribs, long neck, well-bent stifles. Beautiful coat. Moves well.

Karhukumpu Jarciana

Catalog No: 50
Rating: V2
Class: Champion
Judge: Marianne Holm-Hansen (DK)
Anwartschaft: CAC-R, CACIB-R
Written critics: A very beautfully made bitch with the best of heads, excellent conformation, top-line, bone and feet, beautiful coat. Moves rather close behind and could have a more flattering tail-carriage.